Countercultural Living2021-09-13T20:01:30-05:00

Countercultural Living

What Jesus Has to Say About Life, Marriage, Race, Gender, and Materialism

– Carol M. Swain, Ph.D.

countercultural living book cover

Countercultural Living

Available September 4, 2021

An overview of Jesus’ teachings on life’s most pressing topics

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Black Eye for America

How Critical Race Theory is burning down the house

– Carol M. Swain, Ph.D. & Christopher J. Schorr, Ph.D.
Foreword by Dr. Benjamin Carson

black eye for america book

Black Eye for America

Available July 28, 2021

Carol and Chris expose the true nature of CRT and offer concrete solutions for taking back the country’s stolen institutions.

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About Carol Swain

Carol M. Swain (PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) is an award-winning political scientist and former professor at Princeton University and Vanderbilt University. She has authored or edited nine books, one of which (Black Faces: Black Interests) has won three national awards. She has appeared on Fox News, ABC Headline News, CNN, BBC Radio, and NPR, among other outlets.

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About The Book

Consulting Jesus on how to find eternal life is common. But what relevance do Jesus’ teachings have for contemporary life?

When it comes to core worldview topics such as human life, marriage, and race, should it be Christ or culture that decides our convictions? Can we really find intelligent answers to contemporary quandaries in the ancient teachings of Jesus?

In Countercultural Living, Carol Swain confronts cultural consensus with the countercultural and surprisingly compelling teachings of Jesus. If you want to find clarity on tough questions and to build your convictions on Jesus’ teachings, you will value Swain’s insightful, practical, and, at times, autobiographical survey of these important topics from a biblical perspective.

What The Critics Say


Builds On Scripture

Carol Swain has provided in this short work a helpful guide to navigate life in this world with biblically shaped wisdom and righteousness. Building upon the foundation of Scripture and informed by her own powerful experiences, Swain positions us to live countercultural lives in the world.

ozark christian collegeDr. Chad Ragsdale, Ozark Christian College

Focused On The Issue of Life

As the survivor of a failed abortion, my very existence is countercultural to the predominant cultural narrative of abortion as a choice and a woman’s right. I deeply appreciate Dr. Carol Swain’s focus on the issue of life in Countercultural Living.

abortion survivors networkMelissa Ohden, MSW, The Abortion Survivors Network

A Clarion Call

Dr. Carol Swain is a reasoned and seasoned voice of sanity. She’s a thoughtful and pragmatic academic who holds to conservative and traditional views of our culture. In this book she offers a clarion call to a return to the principles of freedom, morality, and transparency that have been the underpinning of our great republic. It’s a must read for Americans who believe we’ve lost our way and need to be bold in speaking out for biblical truth.

Powerful & Irrefutable

Carol Swain is extraordinary. She is unafraid to speak the truth and has been willing to pay a real price for doing so. Dr. Swain’s logic is powerful and irrefutable, but her personality and personal stories are what make all she says entirely irresistible. I’m so grateful to her for this deeply wise primer on the Christian response to the vital cultural issues of life, marriage, gender, materialism, and race and ethnicity. This little book is a big deal.

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